I’m planning a wedding in Monterey Bay
If you are planning a destination wedding or event in Monterey, Santa Cruz or San Benito County you’ve come to the right place. Take a look at our qualified list of wedding and event professionals. All of our members have years of experience and are among the best in the industry. Weddings, corporate events, family reunions, mitzvah’s, quinceañeras, birthday gatherings, you name it… we have people who can help you or point you in the right direction to connect you with the best company for the job. Click on our list of members and get started with planning. We’re here to help and we look forward to creating a wonderful experience for you and the rest of your party.

I’m a wedding vendor in Monterey Bay
Monterey Bay Wedding and Event Professionals was founded in 2009. Since then it’s been the nexus for our wedding and event community. From planners, photographers and florists to cake bakers, caterers and DJs, we run the full gamut of industry pros and we’re always looking for new talent and venues. If you are a wedding and event professional or venue based in Monterey, Santa Cruz or San Benito County and have been in business for more than two years you may apply to join us. Email us at mbwepros@gmail.com for an application. We look forward to helping you to become a part of our exceptional group and seeing you in action at some of our finest local events.